SALHUB Online Training: Cross-Cutting Modules
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SALHUB Online Training: Cross-Cutting Modules

A series of 9 online modules delivering cross-cutting content as part of the SALHUB PNT, EO/GIS and SatComms courses.

30/09/2024 to 04/10/2024
When: 30 Sept - 04 Oct 2024
Where: Zoom
United Kingdom
Contact: Clare Stead

Online registration is available until: 17/03/2025
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Cross-Cutting modules in System Engineering, Data/AI/ML and Commercial Operations

These cross-cutting modules are part of the wider Space Applications Learning Hub (SALHUB) training courses which will deliver expert-led training modules in systems engineering, data/artificial intelligence (AI)/machine learning (ML) and commercial operations across positioning, navigation and timing (PNT), Earth observation (EO/GIS) and satellite communications (SatComms). 

These training courses are structured as three courses: PNT, EO/GIS and SatComms. Before the PNT, EO/GIS and SatComms courses begin, there will also be an introductory week of cross-cutting content that explores systems engineering, data/AI/ML and commercial operations. These sessions will cover foundational modules that will act as a leveller for attendees coming from different sectors. 

The System Engineering modules will include focus on system engineering from a space industry perspective and include an Introduction to Space System Engineering; System Context, Requirements and Design; and System Verification, Validation and Qualification.

The Data/AI/ML modules will focus on an introduction to the concepts of AI and ML from the  perspective of the space industry. They will include an introduction to AI and ML, satellite & space data contexts, data processing and also introduce task setting including supervised learning, un-supervised learning and reinforcement learning.

The Commercial Operations modules will provide an introduction to commercial skills aimed at space industry professionals. They will cover an overview of developing a Product and Service Strategy, Product and Service Launch and Access to Finance aimed at the space industry.

Linked PNT, EO/GIS and SatComms Courses:


Module delivery schedule:

Dates Module ID Module Title and Presenter Time
30-Sep   INT.001 Introduction to Space with Dr Chantal Cappelletti 1100 - 1230
30-Sep   SYS.ENG-001 Introduction to Space Mission System Engineering with Alan Fromberg 1300 - 1430
01-Oct   SYS.ENG-002 System context, requirement decomposition and design development with Alan Fromberg 1100 - 1230
01-Oct   SYS.ENG-003 System verification, validation and qualification with Alan Fromberg 1300 - 1430
02-Oct   AI.ML-001 Overview of AI and ML with Dr Rong Qu 1100 - 1230
02-Oct   COM.OP-001 Product and service strategy with John Pottle 1300 - 1430
03-Oct   COM.OP-003 Product and Service Access to Finance with Paul Bhatia 1100 - 1230
04-Oct   COM.OP-002 Product and service launch with John Pottle 1100 - 1230
04-Oct   AI.ML-002  AI / ML Applied to PNT, EO, SatComm with Dr Rong Qu 1300 - 1430


Registration for these modules is now available - please click the "register" button above. Registration is free and open to all thanks to UK Space Agency (UKSA) funding. 

The SALHUB is one of five new projects recently announced by the UKSA to help tackle key skills gaps identified by the recent  UK space sector skills survey. This UKSA funding has been provided to boost the availability of training and to break down barriers to opportunities within the fast-growing, high-tech sector.  

The SALHUB is led by the Royal Institute of Navigation (RIN) together with expert partners Space Professionals Partnership Limited (SPPL), Geospatial Ventures Limited (GVL) and Space Skills Alliance (SSA). 


Please note that these modules will be delivered online via Zoom and will require attendees to use a zoom account. Zoom joining information should be received via automated e-mail after registration. Please contact Clare Stead at if you do not receive your joining information. 

Module titles may be subject to change.