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Thank you for your interest in joining the Royal Institute of Navigation. We are a learned society and professional body and welcome all with an interest in positioning, navigation and timing. Although we are based in the UK, we have a very international membership. You are welcome to join us wherever in the world you are based. We welcome engineering and navigation professionals through to leisure navigators and students. 

Ordinary membership is the most popular, giving full membership benefits including access to all online content, events and our publications including Navigation News magazine and the Journal of Navigation. You are a full voting member and can participate to the full. You can use post-nominal letters MRIN. £157 annual subscription (or £150 if paying by Direct Debit).

Associate Fellowship is for those with a high level of professional involvement or achievement in positioning, navigation or timing. All Associate Fellowship applications are reviewed by our Professional Awards Panel before being confirmed. Post-nominal letters, once approved, are AFRIN. £180 annual subscription (or £173 if paying by Direct Debit).

Associate membership offers online access to basic content and includes Navigation News and the ability to participate in events and groups. Associate members are not able to hold office within the Royal Institute of Navigation and do not have access to the Journal of Navigation. £75 annual subscription (or £68 if paying by Direct Debit).

Student associate membership is open to all in full-time education and not receiving a regular salary. Student membership includes access to online content including the Journal of Navigation. Student membership is also an excellent first step for those wishing to achieve registration as a professional engineer through the Royal Institute of Navigation. £15 annual subscription irrespective of payment method. 

Nominations for Fellowship of the Royal Institute of Navigation may be submitted by any Member or Associate Fellow with three years or more continuous membership of the Institute. 

Payment method selection is offered during the registration process.

Please select the membership type below to start your application.